History of the Union of Oenologists of the Czech Republic
The Union of Oenologists was founded at the constituent membership meeting in Lednice on 26 February 2014 by four founding members: Miloš Michlovský, Mojmír Baroň, František Mádl and Petr Ptáček. The constituent meeting adopted the first statutes of the Union, elected Mojmír Baroň the chairman and Miloš Michlovský and František Mádl as members of the revision committee. At the general meeting of the Union held on 24 April 2015, new statutes were adopted and in accordance with them, Marek Petrjánoš was granted a “founding membership” by the decision of the general meeting. In 2022, the number of members of the Union of Oenologists exceeded forty.
The Union of Oenologists of the Czech Republic has the ambition to become one of the members of the International Union of Oenologists (UIŒ), which was founded in 1965 in Milan, Italy to bring together oenologists from all over the world, to promote their interests and to provide a system of evaluation of wine competitions.
The UIŒ has more than 20,000 members across the world. Following the establishment of the International Union of Oenologists, a separate Union of Oenologists was established in each member country. This has created a network of cooperating oenological associations sharing experience, evaluators for competition committees, but also business or social contacts. One of the main missions of the International Union of Oenologists is to set out and define the ‘quality of wine’, linked to the appreciation of exceptional terroir, flair, the experience of the technologist and the labouriousness of a particular product.
With the establishment of the Union of Oenologists, the Czech Republic has a chance to become a world oenological power.
Prof. Ing. Mojmír Baroň, Ph.D.
691 44 Lednice
Slovácká 786
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Important links
The website of the Union of Oenologists of the Czech Republic was created with the support of the Wine Fund
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